
Scripture Reading - Ephesians 5:17-20 KJV

17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

We (ihlcc) discussed earlier in our communication series the term “Silent Communication” and “Pre-Communication” both of which involve inward conversations of your heart. However, we will now briefly discuss the subject of “Self Communication” with one’s self excluding others. The thing that sets this teaching apart from the other two is that “self-communication” is really a personal conversation of three. Yes, your spirit, soul and body each have a voice (a will and mind too) and the sooner you understand this truth the quicker you can discern the differences between the three. For example, the voice of your body is usually carnal minded (physical inclined) whereas the voice of your soul typically feeds on your intellect and reasoning. However, the voice of your born-again spirit speaks of God’s Word (His Ways, His Will) and/or God’s Presence (His Love, His Fruit). Your born-again spirit must reason with your mind to get complete cooperation of your mental faculties’. If you choose to ignore your own mind, as opposed to training it in the Word of God and helping it to understand the Love of God it will be a constant problem for years to come because you will be divided. We (ihlcc) prefer to train-up our soul in the ways and word of God so that it can be a blessing rather than a burden. This is biblically known as renewing your mind with the Word of God or restoring your soul through God’s Grace. You see, my faith friend, your spirit and soul should encourage one another in the things of God such that you will always have majority rule in your inner being. Your spirit should be fed a spiritually rich diet of the Word of God on a daily basis. Yes, your mind should participate in this diet by studying God’s Word on a consistent basis. Yes, “Self Communication” involves coaching your mind by the inward the confession of God’s Word and circulation of good thoughts. Some have referred to this as “meditation and/or muttering” the scriptures to manifest God’s Promises where needed. At times you will be the only one who will speak good words to you. David encouraged himself in the Lord in 1 Samuel 30:6 when his own army spoke of stoning him. Yes, David needed to remember that God was on his side so he (his spirit man) encouraged himself (his soul). We must also remember that during our most difficult times God is always with us to guide us through the storms (temptations, trials, difficulties, struggles, crisis, etc…) we face in our life on the earth. Yes, “self-communication” means that there will be times of complete exaltation and comfort to our body (feelings) and soul (emotions) and there will also be other times of rebuke and correction to the body when it is acting amiss and/or to the soul if it is thinking on the wrong thoughts. “Self-communication” should always be your inner man (your re-born spirit) giving direction, enlightenment, encouragement or affirmation to your soul and/or body. Just like when you may feel defeated your heart should encourage your feelings that you are more than a conquer in Christ Jesus. Likewise when thoughts come to your mind (from other sources) trying to persuade you that you don’t know which way to go or exactly to do, your spirit should proclaim, “You know all things in Christ and the Lord has already shown me specific details about what I need to do next”. Although our Lord doesn’t reveal a complete picture of our future He will always give you what you need to be successful (an overcomer) for that (each) day. This is why Jesus stated in Matthew 6:34 (paraphrased), ”Take no thought for tomorrow for sufficient for today is faith”. However, this implies that we need to do our part of being in faith to properly receive from God by faith. So continue to speak to yourself with positive (godly, wholesome, right, holy) “self-communication” and you will continue to see God’s Grace displayed in your life. Remember this is not just a bible lesson but rather this is a way of life to thee “Way of Life” Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the center of God’s and man’s communication. Amen!

“Self-Communication” is always taking place.
What are you saying to yourself day-in and day-out?